Monday, July 18, 2011

2012 Presidential Elections........... Ha

So as the elections press on for the 2012 presidential elections more and more shocking stories hit the fan. The story of homosexual presidential candidate Fred Karger and Michele Bachman caught my eye as being  both funny and idiotic. Republican Presidential candidate Fred Karger, which is the first openly homosexual to vie for a nomination attacked GOP hopeful Michelle Bachman on her thearpy methods praticed at her husband's clinic.

According to the Huffingston post  In 2004, Bachmann described gay individuals as being part of “Satan.”  And now that she is running for presidency she refuses to discuss her early statements. At her husbands clinic, that system conists of  "praying away the gay."  Also that controversial praying used as a ‘treatment’ at her ‘clinic’ has been proven to be ineffective and Bachmann still refuses to give any explanation of her beliefs concerning gays.

Karger saids, "Bachman has been clear about her opposition to marriage equality. She's a liar and now that she's been busted, she's trying to divert attention away from her lies."

"She is just another hypocrite and bigot."

Michelle Bachman does not like homsexuals. Two weeks ago she signed  The Family Leader's "Marriage Vow" pledge, which entails protects the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman."

I just can't believe Michelle Bachmann is serious in running for President. Michelle Bachmann wants to institutio­nalize inequality­. She wants less government­, except when she doesn't... which seems centered around her own personal version of christian values. I don't believe for a minute that as President, she wouldn't try to run the country just like her clinic.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you, about the presidential pre-elections shocking stories. They seem to be out of control and extremely negative at times. From topics of Christianity to homosexuality and they, all equal insanity! I do not believe Republican candidate Michele Bachman has done her campaign any favors by signing The Family Leaders, “Marriage Vows Pledge.” That move has actually put her in the spotlight as being closed-minded and not gay and lesbian friendly what so ever. I believe she has actually added fuel to a fire that the gay and lesbian population were waiting to grab onto, and they seem to have taken off and are on run with it. I have found the 2012 presidential electoral race quiet distasteful so far, and we are just getting started. I also have to keep in mind that often articles are written in the author’s words and sometimes words are altered to capture the reader’s attention.
