Thursday, July 21, 2011

To Pass the Dream Act.... Heck YEAH

The Views expressed in Fransico Cardova's post " Higher Education for Undocumented Immigrants " reflect the views on very little Americans. This is very controlversial

Fransico discusses an argument which i agree with. Currently, there are a lot of undocumented immigrant children that are guaranteed free public education but are not guaranteed college or university education. I do not understand, our kids are growing up with these "illegal immigrants",  I know I did and i became wonderful friends with these illegals. I also went to school with them and watched them race to the top of their classes, excel at math, science and English. But now I am in college  and a lot of the kids that did better than me in high school are working at as Medical Assistants or working at the local Mcdonalds when they could have been Doctors or Nurses something challenged their brain. "Working illegally and or for less than minimum wage hurts many immigrants and continues the cycle of poverty for their families".

" A solution to this would be the current proposed DREAM Act that Democrats have presented to Congress" said Fransico 

The Dream Act offers those illegal students an opportunity to work toward legal citizenship. As long as the illegal party is willling to serve at least two years in the US military and or US college, the illegal party would be on the path towrds becoming a citizen. This new policy would only apply to illegal residents who came to the United States before the age of 16. It does not change the status of any other family members, but does offer a route to legal residency for younger illegals who have grown up in the US.

The Dream Act not only encourages education but for this group of students to earn a decent job and contribute to society. There should be no need to complain that is not fair for us U.S citizen students. There are too many U.S citizens students not attending college or getting a job, that is a problem with society.people think that by allowing these students to earn a higher education they will take jobs. I think that the person that is best qualified will end up getting the job. I do strongly believe this problem is our fault for not having more border security. now look we have good students in our schools who don't know if they have a future because we simply didn't have enough help to protect our border.

To that I say What was the problem again??????

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